ICT and New Forms of Working

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Track Chair: Jan Damsgaard, Copenhagen Business School

Advances in Internet connectivity as well as the rise of mobile services introduce new and different ways of working and organizing business activities. Mobility has become a synonym for creativity and value creation for all stakeholders. However, current research practice tends to focus on financial aspects of value creation, overlooking the study of the effects of the networked economy on work practices and new ways of organizing. This track calls for research which explores changes in the workplace due to the exploitation of new types of technologies, explores novel forms of working, and looks into the new organisational roles and competencies that will address management issues in a highly complex and volatile environment. The track focuses on studies of the impact of networking and ubiquitous computing on both work and new business architectures that take into account the structural changes that business networks and ambient organisations entail.

Suggested topics:
 -  Organizing for innovation and flexibility in virtual and networked organisations
 -  New organisational forms enabled by IT
 -  Emerging, collaborative networks and adaptive value networks
 -  Network business models
 -  Virtual communities and virtual workplaces
 -  Sustainable and flexible work organisation
 -  Changes in work practices
 -  Distributed and mobile team working
 -  Telework and work mobility
 -  Software and IT infrastructure development for new forms of work
 -  Individual, organisational and societal aspects of workflow and work
 -  Leadership and decision-making in virtual and networked organisations
 -  New skill requirements in the flexible, networked working environment
 -  Managing distributed workforce
 -  Knowledge management in the virtual organisation