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Track Chair: Nancy Pouloudi, Athens University of Economics and Business

The ever more ubiquitous and pervasive nature of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has profound societal implications, enabling and shaping an “e-Society”. In this societal context we observe and experience new phenomena: innovative technological systems are developed and implemented, while at the same time, the scope and scale of their impact on society is growing or changing in fundamental ways. The complex context of the e-society leads to interesting and important questions on the opportunities, the threats and the dilemmas that citizens, organisations and decision-makers face concerning issues such as awareness, access, technology adoption, participation, fairness, education, and democracy.

This track calls for theoretical and empirical research that improves and broadens our understanding of e-Society through systematic and in-depth study of such issues. Empirical research, both qualitative and quantitative, can contribute to our appreciation of the multiple facets of the e-Society and help us learn from the diversity (across cultures or regions, for example) in the interaction of people and ICTs. We also need, as a community, to reflect on alternative theoretical approaches and epistemologies for observing and interpreting e-Society phenomena. Finally, we need to consider and debate appropriate interventions in the development and use of ICTs in e-Society, be they policy guidelines, professional codes of conduct, or other measures for fair stakeholder access to innovative technologies and their benefits.

Suggested topics:
 -  Social actors, human and non-human stakeholders: issues of interaction, accountability and representation of interests
 -  Social and temporal implications of mobile and ubiquitous technological systems
 -  Implications of ICTs in the home environment
 -  Implications of ICTs in work relationships (virtual communities, virtual cooperation and trust)
 -  Corporate social responsibility in the e-Society
 -  Social issues in e-business research; managing inter-organisational and inter-personal relations on-line
 -  The digital divide, social exclusion and inclusion, e-democracy
 -  Challenges for the citizen and the consumer in the e-Society (privacy, access, participation, rights and responsibilities)
 -  Gender issues in the e-Society
 -  Identity management in the digital world
 -  Learning in the e-Society (opportunities for individuals with special needs, e-learning pedagogy, societal implications of ICT adoption in schools)
 -  Policies and challenges for the equitable diffusion of ICTs (across countries, regions, or social and demographic groups