Submission Guidelines

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Research papers are limited to 12 pages in length, research-in-progress and case studies to 8 pages in the final proceedings. Of the panels, a four-page summary should be delivered to the proceedings.

Each submitted paper must be allocated to a specific track. The conference organizers may switch papers between the tracks if acceptance for publication necessitates this.
In order to get the papers accepted to the proceedings, at least one author per academic paper must register to the conference. For panels, all the proposed speakers must register to the conference.

The submissions must be sent using the ECIS2005 electronic submission system. The language of the conference and all submissions is English. Please refer to our Instructions for Authors for more detailed author guidelines, and use our Word template to facilitate preparing your submissions in a pertinent layout.

Submissions to ECIS 2005 may not have (already) been published previously in a journal or conference proceedings, nor presented at another conference. Moreover, they may not be currently under consideration for publication or presentation elsewhere. Any submission that exceeds the length requirements, or does not adhere to the required format, or is delivered after the specified date, will be rejected without review. The remaining submissions will be considered for the conference.

All submissions except the panel proposals will be reviewed blind by the programme committee. Each conference track will be chaired by a colleague with research expertise in that area. The track chair will supervise the review process, involving selected reviewers from diverse segments of the IS research community. Evaluation criteria will be similar to those typically used by major journals and first-class conferences, e.g. relevance of the topic and findings, quality (rigour) of the research process, and quality of the writing. Results of the review process will be communicated to the author by the specified date. The authors will be responsible for making the revisions recommended by the reviewers, and for submitting the final version of their paper by the appropriate deadline.

If you have any questions about the programme and paper submission, please contact